Symptoms you and society are sick

1 min readFeb 27, 2022

Poor physical and mental health

More people have chronic conditions like diabetes and hypertension

Young and old medicate for anxiety and depression

More people commit suicide

Societal sickness

Celebration of things we can’t afford

We are dissatisfied, frustrated, and hopeless, left with unattainable dreams of (short-lived) fame.

We are uncivilized and mean. We don’t tolerate opinions with which we disagree. Public rage is normal and expected


Mass murder in safe places (schools, clubs grocery stores)

Gang violence

Domestic violence and child abuse

Truly excellent people leave or avoid politics, nursing, policing, teaching

Climate change

Catastrophic fires, droughts, and storms

Dead zones, bleached coral reefs, and poisoned streams

Deforestation that trades protection from carbon dioxide for cattle to produce leather

Limited Opportunities for most people to be comfortable

Fewer ways to earn a comfortable living without college or being an athletic or artistic phenomenon,

Essential workers, e.g. nurses, food workers, teachers, social workers, earn less than unlicensed professionals

Nepotism provides access to education and jobs

Most people can’t afford healthy food, healthcare, college admissions tests, and education the leads to good jobs.

Where you live drives your physical and mental health.

We don’t know who or what to believe

No objective news

Misinformation and sensational opinions expressed as fact turn ignorance into anger

Conspiracy theories

If you agree, share this with others. Any movement has a set of grievances at it its core.




I have a podcast to share examples of solutions to problems to foster democracy, collaboration and justice, free from extremism.